Monday, 31 May 2010

MDD1, External Mind Controll, A. Hitler. Himmler, G.W.Bush, generational child abuse

My name is Marquart (Mark) Ewing Phillips, born May 17, 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee. I have no criminal record and I have never been adjudged insane. I am not a scholar, professional writer, or mental health physician. While I lack the official published academic credentials, I am recognized internationally by mental health and law enforcement professionals as an authority on the secret science concerning external control of the mind.
The purpose of Part I of this book is to document how this reputation was gained. This brief and highly condensed contribution is intended to provide an understanding of why, when, and where I embarked on a study of the most secret technology known to man: Trauma-based mind control. Through the publication of declassified United States Government documents, our U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) admits that this ancient wizard's mechanism for control is so dangerous that most information pertaining to it must remain classified as TOP SECRET. As the employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research, I was required to sign an oath of secrecy. To this day I am restricted by law from revealing certain specific information that directly pertained to my employment as, among other "sensitive" exposures, a U.S. DOD subcontractor in mind-control research.
This super secret technology is an evolved system of remote human physical and psychological manipulation that has only recently been officially recognized by accredited mental health physicians for what it is, absolute mind control.
My first encounter with mind control research began in the late 1960s in Atlanta, Georgia on the Emory University campus at the Yerkes Primate Center. It was there that I learned about primate behavior modification--the basis for human mind control. Part I of this book is my attempt to impart an understanding of how this and other exposures would prepare me for the challenge of a lifetime.
What I witnessed, in terms of technology, at the Yerkes Primate Center and other government sponsored research facilities, combined with years of personal research into this science of mind manipulation, did not adequately prepare me for what I would be exposed to in 1988 through an unexpected chain of events. This exposure came in the form of personal acquaintance with the human result officially entitled by DOD as, among other cryptic file titles, MK-Ultra.
I have outlined this noxious introduction in hopes that the material provided by one MK-Ultra survivor, Cathy O'Brien, will incite a legitimate federal investigation of her claims.
I was able to liberate MK-Ultra victims, Cathy O'Brien and her daughter Kelly, from the invisible grip of this U.S. Government secret weapon of control. In the process, I also helped Cathy recover her mental and physical health. However, I have not been successful in enlisting the cooperation of my government to pursue the justice issue. There is a reason for this failure to obtain justice that you, the reader, NEED TO KNOW. I have been told repeatedly, "Justice is not obtainable, For Reasons Of National Security."
This book is primarily the autobiography of Cathy O'Brien, who did not volunteer for service to her country, but was used her entire life against her innate, voluntary will for perpetuating criminal activity by many so called leaders within the U. S. Government. These "treasonous leaders" did volunteer for political "service" to our country. They must be held accountable for their actions.
Together, Cathy and I have dedicated our lives to the pursuit of justice and rehabilitation for her and Kelly. All avenues for justice and rehabilitative relief have been blocked For Reasons Of National Security. The question arises, whose security? Cathy O'Brien provides the logical answer. Perhaps after reading this work, you will inspire others to read it. Collectively, as patriots, we can make a positive difference for Cathy and Kelly, our government, and humanity, by having our voices heard. In my opinion, our great United States Constitution does not need to be amended it needs to be enforced.
The grim reality we must all embrace is that there is, in human terms, no justice, and no revenge adequate to equal what these two, and many other victims of this U. S. Government secret weapon experienced. The only remaining remnant of opportunity for justice for these survivors would be derived from a public forum expose' of what they experienced. What these survivors need to witness is the mass dissemination of their story and a radical, positive change in their government's management of secrets. This would be an acceptable, though belated, substitute for justice. Their hope lies in the belief that--
"Truth lives a wretched life,
but always survives a lie."
- Anonymous

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Egy volt média reprezentatív. The new world order, MKULTRA, Mind Controll

Miről is beszélek én? Mi történt velem Londonban? Ez a hölgy arról beszél, amit rajtam is kipróbáltak. Újraprogramozás. Ha felébredsz, megpróbálják, ha nem megy megpróbálnak megölni. Autóbaleset, öngyilkosság, mikrohullámú sugárzás, voice to skull (V2S), BZ, hipnózis - a Mind controll eszközei.

MK ULTRA, Mind Controll, Reagen and so on

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Az utam kifürkészhetetlen. Soha nem tudom mit hoz a holnap. De még abban sem vagyok biztos, hogy ami ma történt az tényleg megtörtént e.
Két hónappal ezelőtt elindultam Londonból Spanyolországba. Meg is érkeztem Maella-ba Zaragozához közel egy kis falu melletti biofarmra. Az élet úgy alakította, hogy két hét múlva ismét a kerékpáron ültem útban Magzarország felé. Három hét tekerés és itt vagyok.
Magyarország. Munkakeresés. Furcsa érzések. Valami lehet, hogy meg fog itt változni? Vannak érdekesen józan hangot megütő nyilatozatok. Ésszerű tervek. Hol voltak ezek eddig?
Kíváncsi vagyok.

Az úton volt esélyem meghalni. Nem haltam meg. Miért? Minek vagyok még mindig a világban élve? úgy gondolom, hogy elvégeytem a dolgomat. Mennék már. Segítőim - kihasználóim rejtőzködnek előlem. Nincs arcuk. Hangjuk van csak, de az is elváltoztatva.
Hogyan tovább?