Thursday, 3 November 2016

2016-17-18 max 19 if we get lucky...

That is it guys. The clock is running down at these very moments. I remembe now what my calculation ended here. And yes I did calculate the radiation, the co2 and all the other shit, the weather manipulation tech in place and it's effect the cars, the bombs and many things what you never counted with. Some of these deadly effects had been lifted a bit... but this is it. We are at the point of no return. The destiny of the human race is on thevery edge... on the wall.
I don't care anymore. You all fuck off. Except the very few.
And yes I was right. The assholes on the very top do know I am right and this is the very reason - partly - why they let Ferrybridge happen here. They do know I counted precisely. But even they cannot stop this self killing mashine... hahaha they blame it on anybody but themself... and the whole structure does the same in small scale or large scale everywhere. Bottom to top. Anyway time comes where I am going to shut up. There is no any reason to say anything anymore.
4 more years if we get lucky...
if all the nuclear stations would be closed and all car would run with electric motors, and all these ferrybridge type mega poison mashines where shut down, if suddenly all asshole would stop manipulating weather...
being realistic: it just ain't gonna happen. After this turing pont the demage will not be reversable ever. There is no any type of thechnology or method what could do that. The ybelieve they can do that, but they also believe that there is more time... and the sheeple believes in them... seems like a very bad ending... No fireworks, no extreme wornings from nature but a few people do see the signs all around: still non of you listen. But I am ok with this. I did everything to make it happen. this short time frame finally gives me a bit of hope my trip is going to end once and I don't have to be in this shit anymore.
The solutions I worked on are not really good. And the demage under strickt and extreme control would be recovered in at about 1000 years approximately. Yes one thousand years. So don't caount on that too much...

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